Importing the geography file into Access 2007

Does anybody have advice or experience importing the 5yr 2012 ACS geography file into an Access 2007 database? I'm running into problems where the fields aren't matching up in the same way as the 2010 5-yr geography file did.

Any thoughts / advice is much appreciated.

  • Did you find a solution to your problem? I suspect the issue is the multiple-coding of goegraphies that started with the 2012 multi-year ACS... To avoid disclosure problems the Census Bureau kept the 2000 Census PUMA (puma00) on the file for surveys collected in earlier years and added the new 2010 Census PUMAs (puma10) on the file for surveys collected in 2012...
  • Yes, thank you for inquiring. I was able to recreate the geography file in Access however after I set this up I discovered a csv file that is the geography file I was looking for to begin with.