Upcoming APDU Conference and Advanced Tableau Training

The Association of Public Data Users Conference (APDU) will be holding its annual conference on July 9-10 in Arlington, VA.  I think members of this list will find the topics and speakers of interest and will appreciate the opportunity to meet with data producers and fellow data users.  You can find the latest agenda linked here:  http://apdu.org/events/conference/2019-annual-conference/ 

The most up to date line up of speakers includes the heads of the Census Bureau, BEA and BLS each talking about the challenges ahead for their respective programs.  There will be a plenaries on the use of algorithms and public data as well as a discussion of the implications of the Census Bureau’s new data security initiatives.  There are also a range of breakout sessions.  Many of the sessions will touch on the ACS directly or indirectly. 

Following the conference APDU is sponsoring an “Advanced Data Visualization Techniques in Tableau” training that might also be of interest.  You can learn about the training here:  http://apdu.org/2019/03/25/data-visualization-training/.

Please let me know if you have any questions, either on or off list.