Merging National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) with ACS PUMS data

Working with the RDC on a proposal to access restricted NSFG contextual data to be able to link the economic conditions of the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) a woman lived in at the time of interview (from the ACS) with the woman's individual-level NSFG data. I need to prepare and send the ACS file to the RDC so that they can merge the data sets. I hope to be able to use the MET2013 ACS variable for a 2006-2015 analysis to identify and link each NSFG respondent with her corresponding MSA. Has anyone done something similar? Would appreciate any tips/suggestions. I am using STATA and planning to do a multilevel analysis of trends. 


Michelle Hawks Cuellar, MSPH, PhD Candidate 
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health