U.S. Census Bureau Releases Documentation Supporting the 2018 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-Year Estimates

We are pleased to announce the first release of documentation in support of the 2018 American Community Survey 1-year estimates scheduled for release on Thursday, September 26, 2019. This documentation offers ACS data users the opportunity to prepare for next week's data release.

New and updated information related to this release is available now on the 2018 Data Release page.

Highlights include links to the following:

  • The Summary File Documentation page includes the new handbook, table shells, and sequence/table number lookup files. 
  • Table Shells display the layout of the tables without the estimates or margins of error filled in. This year, we have also compiled Tables Lists. This will allow users to explore all the ACS tables, including table IDs, titles, universes, as well as 1-year/5-year availability, in one spreadsheet.
  • The Geography Boundaries by Year page shows which vintage of geography the 2018 ACS 1-year estimates are based on.
  • The Areas Published page lists the total number of geographic areas that receive 2018 ACS 1-year estimates. An excel file also details the specific geographies that have published data.
  • The ACS Data User Handbooks and Training Presentations are continuously being updated. These resources provide recent and relevant information about the ACS and its data products.
  • The 2018 ACS estimates will be released in the U.S. Census Bureau's new data dissemination platform, data.census.gov. The platform will serve as the primary way for accessing data and digital content from the Census Bureau. Please note, the current release of data.census.gov works best in Google Chrome.

2018 ACS 1-Year Pre-Release Webinar

Learn more about the latest American Community Survey (ACS) 1-year data release. This webinar will cover background information about the ACS, changes for this release, and where to find new data release information on the ACS website. We will also demonstrate how to access ACS statistics online.

Date & Time: Thursday, September 19th from 2:00-3:00 PM EDT

Presenters: R. Chase Sawyer, American Community Survey Office

Tyson Weister, Center for Enterprise Dissemination

Dan Velez, Public Information Office

Join by Phone (to access the audio portion of the webinar): 877-352-5213

Passcode: 8779315

Online presentation access information
Please log in 10-15 minutes early, as some setup is required. An updated browser is recommended.

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