PUMS weighted population count for NH

We are starting to work with the 2018 1-year PUMS data.  After downloading the datasets, we always check the number of weighted observations in the Person Record and cross reference it with the Census Bureau's published Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for the United States... (http://www2.census.gov/programs-surveys/popest/tables/2010-2018/national/totals/nst-est2018-01.xlsx?#).  We do this by running a frequency of the ST variable weighted by the PWGTP variable.  It should and typically does match for every state.  This year, however, we have a discrepancy for New Hampshire

Our weighted count from PUMS =  1,356,410

The population estimate from Census - 1,356,458

When we compare other weighted demographic characteristics from PUMS and the online ACS table generator for NH there are discrepancies across all the age groups and for sex.

Has anyone else encountered this problem?  

I should mention that we tried downloading the datasets again and had the same results in both SPSS and R.