Help Center

The ACS Online Community is a site where members can share messages, materials, and announcements related to ACS data, methods, and events.

Do you have a question or information you’d like to share about the ACS? The ACS Online Community is a resource for everyone, from novice to advanced ACS data users. No question is too simple or complex.

You will need to become a member to start or join a discussion. Membership is free and open to all interested ACS data users! We occasionally send email notifications to members regarding important ACS news or events. We do not share member information with third parties.

Posting a Comment or Question in the Discussion Forum

  • Navigate to the Discussion Forum.
  • Select a topic of interest and click to respond to an existing discussion thread, or click the button in the upper right corner of the page to start a new discussion.
  • Provide a subject for your post and add one or more tags.
  • Type your question or comment in the Description box. You can add images and other files to your post by dragging them into the editor.
  • The Discussion Forum is not just for questions. Feel free to share ideas, feedback, programming code, or links to relevant resources related to ACS data.
  • Check your post for any spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Click at the bottom of the page to share your message with other ACS data users.
  • Your first post to the Discussion Forum will be placed in a moderation queue for review before it is posted.

Review the ACS Online Community tutorial for more details.

Community Guidelines

  • Please limit comments or questions to topics pertaining to the ACS or related Census Bureau surveys.
  • Do not use the community to advertise private businesses or services.
  • Posting hate speech, sensitive content, or spam is not permitted.
  • Posting or sharing content that infringes on rights of others, for example intellectual property rights, is not permitted.
  • We may hide or delete any posts that violate the above rules. Persistent offenders may be banned or blocked from the website.

Have a question or comment about the site? Send us a note using the "Question, comment, feedback" box below, or email for assistance.