• RE: Total population and Total Housing Unit Population using ACS PUMS in R

    Rafaelg: you have various options. You are loading the TIDYCENSUS package in your script, but not using it in the remainder of your example. The TIDYCENSUS package was updated (spring 2021) to have a "get_pums" function. Full documentation and video lectures…

  • household costs as percent of household income

    Hi all


    I’m looking for the following: Percentage of Households With Monthly Housing Costs at Least 30% of Total Household Income by Race and Ethnicity and Ownership, for New York State


    That is, I’m looking for data for home owners and for renters…

  • Statistical significance using PUMS data

    I've been having some trouble finding a direct answer to this question, so I thought I'd toss it in here!  I have used PUMS data to calculate rates of poverty for children by race and ethnicity in Illinois.  The results I got are here (margins of…

  • RE: Best table to use for "disconnected youth"?

    Table B14005 crosses employment status by educational enrollment status, but covers only persons 16-19.

    If you want to look at a wider age range you could turn to the PUMS data set, depending on the geography of interest. I used PUMS data analysed on…
  • Median annual earnings

    Hi everyone,

    I am new to PUMS. I am trying to estimate the gender wage gap by median annual earnings of men and women in Pennsylvania. I am using 2017 1-year estimates. I am calculating WAGP*(ADJINC/1000000). I have made a table of RAC1P variable(race…

  • RE: ACS population substantially higher than decennial census

    Hello Jon -

    That's an excellent question. ACS data are benchmarked to the Census Bureau's population estimates for a given year, and those estimates are benchmarked to the most recent census... so the last year of a decade can often differ quite a bit…

  • RE: EJ index that takes into account MOE's

    Have you seen the statistical testing spreadsheet for ACS data?

    You might be able to use the "Statistical Testing for Two Estimates" sheet, with the regional average in the first column and individual…
  • RE: MOE 2016 data

    Hi Cassiodorus,

    You might also be interested in the detail table (B02001) that has just population and MOE estimates. I've generated a link using 5-year ACS data for population by county, here: factfinder.census.gov/.../0100000US.05000.003
    You could…
  • Calculating household incomes when household and person files are merged

    Hi all,

    I'm brand new to the ACS Data Users Group and very excited to be a part of it! What an incredible wealth of resources. 

    I actually have a challenge that I've been running into while using PUMS. I've been using FactFinder for years, but have…

  • Federal Register Notice for comment: Prototype 2020 P.L. 94-171 Redistricting Data File design

    Today, a Federal Register announcement requesting comment on the prototype for the 2020 P.L. 94-171 Redistricting Data File design was released. 

    The Census Bureau produces a prototype redistricting data product to illustrate what the states can expect…