• Downloading PUMS data


    I had previously downloaded PSAM-husa and PSAM-husb for the years 2019 and 2020 for a project, but I could not find the webpages I had downloaded the data from. Can any of you help me with it, where these databases reside now? Any help on this is…

  • PUMS and Area Median Income (AMI)

    I am currently working on a project to estimate the number of (renter) households by AMI ranges (such as 80, 50 and 30% of AMI) using micro data (PUMs). How can I add AMI to the PUMs data file to analyze them together? The geography in PUMs is PUMA (not…

  • PUMS bookmark - troubleshoot

    Hello - 

    Might anyone know why a PUMS bookmark, created on the beta site, wouldn't function as expected?  My first use of PUMS worked well - I can still access my analysis using the bookmark.

    Today I've created another table but the bookmark just defaults…

  • RE: Income-To-Poverty Ratio (PUMS) where does it comes from?

    Great! Documentation came hard to find but on the handbook is well explained too. Thanks!

  • Summarizing 5 year PUMS data


    I have a table from iPUMS for 2021 5 year ACS. I want to sum the person weight in the PUMS data to create a single county total. The PUMS data distinguishes between different years in the data product - 2017, 2018, etc. When I compare the results…

  • ACS PUMS data variable and (factor) value labels

    Hello all, I'm an experienced, professional user and have been using and analyzing ACS micro-data for over a decade but suddenly I have a basic question. 

    I always used IPUMS ACS micro-data, which come with a file to input the variable labels, factor…

  • How to deal with negative income data in PUMS data

    Hello, I am using PUMS data to calculate the percentage of electricity cost to annual household income in an area. I notice that there are a lot of negative numbers in the household income. After aggregating my data by using R, I found the average percentage…

  • Multigenerational Households In PUMS

    I have been working on reproducing the state-level estimates of multigenerational households (households with three or more generations living together) so as to calculate it by PUMA. It's taken me quite some time, but I've got it to be off by no more…