I am working on a project that I need to determine number of owner/renter households by race and income using PUMS data. I noticed in 2021 HHLDRRAC1P (race of the householder variable) was added to the PUMS housing file. I need to work with 2019 PUMS data…
Are income values in the ACS PUMS 5-Year data adjusted for inflation?
The PUMS 5-year data file contains an inflation adjustment variable (ADJHSG and ADJINC). Can someone confirm whether these values have been applied to the income variables (HINCP…
I had previously downloaded PSAM-husa and PSAM-husb for the years 2019 and 2020 for a project, but I could not find the webpages I had downloaded the data from. Can any of you help me with it, where these databases reside now? Any help on this is…
Does anyone know where to get information on how the ACS PUMS ANC1P and ANC2P "Recoded Detailed Ancestry" codes line up with the categories in B04006 "People Reporting Ancestry" ?
Dave Dorer
I know this request doesn't regard ACS, but I was wondering if anyone knows where one can find Census 2000 5% PUMS Technical Documentation or Subject Definitions? Would appreciate a link if you have it.
Dear Mary,
My programs use the api and
Rreturns an error
I am currently working on a project to estimate the number of (renter) households by AMI ranges (such as 80, 50 and 30% of AMI) using micro data (PUMs). How can I add AMI to the PUMs data file to analyze them together? The geography in PUMs is PUMA (not…
Hello -
Might anyone know why a PUMS bookmark, created on the beta site, wouldn't function as expected? My first use of PUMS worked well - I can still access my analysis using the bookmark.
Today I've created another table but the bookmark just defaults…
I'm working with the PUMS, person and housing files (ACS-5year). I'm trying to find documentation about the income-to-poverty ratio (POVPIP).
I have a table from iPUMS for 2021 5 year ACS. I want to sum the person weight in the PUMS data to create a single county total. The PUMS data distinguishes between different years in the data product - 2017, 2018, etc. When I compare the results…