• RE: Creating Multi-Year estimates

    Have you seen this? The PDFs show some of the differences in derived 3-year vs published 3-year, which might account for your population count being off by 1%.
  • RE: Poverty via PUMS and Poverty using table B17001

    Dear Beth,

    Thanks for replying on the weekend.  You must be a night owl like me. I'm hoping that someone has reconciled the PUMS calculation to the ACS detailed tables numbers for poverty level. When I do this with other variables I usually come within…

  • U.S. Census Bureau Releases Documentation Supporting the 2016 American Community Survey (ACS) 1-Year Estimates


    We are please to announce the first release of documentation in support of the 2016 American Community Survey 1-year estimates scheduled for release on Thursday, Sept. 14, 2017. This documentation offers ACS data users the opportunity to prepare for…


    Does anyone know how to download the PUMS replicate weights (all 80 of them) using the API ?  When I try to list all 80 variable in the API call I get the ERROR: "error: 'get' is limited to 50 variables."  Is there a way to download the…

  • Early release materials for 2015 ACS 1-year estimates now AVAILABLE

    We are pleased to announce the first release of documentation in support of the 2015 ACS 1-year estimates scheduled for release on Thursday, Sept. 15, 2016. This documentation offers ACS data users the opportunity to prepare for next week's data release…

  • Household record and person record


    I am trying to label a character derived from person records, and then add it to household records. For example, I want to mark the household with elderly aged 90 or above.  There are 2 types of data, person record and household record. I collapsed…

  • RE: Creating ALICE standards poverty measure for PUMAs

    Dear Erik,

    Do you want to know how to create weighted statistics from tract level data ?  I use PUMS data to create a model (loglinear) from a multivariate table based on PUMS variables at the PUMA level . I then adjust the model based on various marginal…

  • tmap, tidycensus, and choropleth maps for places (cities)


    I have select data at the city/place level (not tracts, ZCTAs, etc.), just attribute/variable per city.

    I have pulled the places shapefile from tigris and merged the two files and attempted to plot them in R (e.g., using tmap, ggplot2).


  • RE: Looking for veterans statistics joined with household data in PUMS - Help appreciated!

    Hi Julie,

    I ran a tabulation through MAST that may answer your questions, if the 2014 data is acceptable to you. Unfortunately, when I tried to upload it, I got a message that it is either too large or an unacceptable file type. It was .csv, then I…