• RE: Breakdown of types of computers in household by state AND Age Demographic

    Note that if you want to have appropriate standard errors, you need to invoke `library(survey)` or `library(srvyr)` and use replicate weights.

  • Query Error

    Working in RStudio, I am using the censusapi package to access Population Estimates data. Specifically, I am trying to access data on race/ethnicity from 2010-2017 using the Vintage 2017 Population Estimates. 

    Running this code:

    POP_COUNTY10 <-getCensus…

  • Some tables have field names with dates in them, so to re-run any reports each year = revisit field names / descriptions

    OK, some tables ex B25038 have hard-coded field descriptions that change every 2 years. I think the actual column name would stay the same? and it would just be the description would change. Typicially you never have time dimensions like this. It's last…

  • Advice on use of Blockgroup Data

    We have a user who insists on using blockgroup ACS data to conduct some exploratory mapping and analysis of hyperlocal conditions. I have recommended against this step, suggesting the use of census tracts instead.  My understanding, and opinion, is that…

  • Best approach for minimizing error for a given year when using overlapping 5-year data?

    Hi Folks,

    This is my first post and day on this forum.  I couldn't find the answer to this question, but if there is a good thread which exists already, please point me in that direction.

    I am conducting an analysis where my geographic region is at…

  • Comparison of RACE and Hispanic STATUS for National Tables 2019 to 2021

    Someone noticed that I had incorrectly computed (using Excel) t in the First Panel of the Table, where I report percent  Total Race for the 2019 ACS.  The table below reports corrected percents and corrected percent differences for that table.  I should…
  • RE: List of Variable Names to Build a Simple State Level Panel using the ACS1 2010-2019

    This is true for most of the ACS tables, they are often broken down by an additional variable and have to be aggregated to create a desired analysis table.

    To take your example, searching for "Median Age" led me to table B01002, "Median Age by Sex":…

  • Different coefficients of variation with same information

    Hi, all. We often use coefficients of variation (CV = standard error ÷ estimate) as a rough guideline for statistical reliability: CV < 0.15 is pretty trustworthy; CV > 0.30 is not to be trusted. But the CV value depends on how the estimate is expressed…

  • Total population differences between table for same census tracts


    I have limited experience with the ACS data.   I am working with 2020 ACS data in Los Angeles County.  I am comparing People with Disabilities vs Age & Sex (and other tables that have the same population total).  The total population is different…

  • RE: Calculating percentage of individuals in a census tract with high school diploma or equivalent using tidycensus

    I think the table you may be looking for is B15003, which contains educational attainment for the population 25 and older. Using tidycensus, you can specify the variables from that table B15003_017 through B15003_25 that represent the population with…