Here's a "fixed" table shells file for this week's release

I just spent a couple hours manually stripping all tables that are NOT included in the 2014 5-year release, out of the 2014 table shells file. Here it is!

[Updated on 11/30/2015 5:01 PM]
  • Thanks for the explanation. We also need an external file for data processing, but we've used the file templates, which are already available: My guess/hope is that these files are still specific to the 5-year estimates.

    What they're missing is any metadata, so the table-shells file is still really useful for that. Thanks for posting.
  • Thanks for the explanation. We also need an external file for data processing, but we've used the file templates, which are already available: My guess/hope is that these files are still specific to the 5-year estimates.

    What they're missing is any metadata, so the table-shells file is still really useful for that. Thanks for posting.
No Data