Error in sequence file or table shells file for 2013?


Has anyone else had a chance to look at the sequence file and table shells for the ACS 2013 1-year data release?

I’m seeing B02005, B02006, and B02007 listed in the ACS2013_1-Year_TableShells.xls file, but the Sequence_Number_and_Table_Number_Lookup.xls does not include these tables. Nor does the new Appendix A (

Anyone know which is correct?
  • Aaaand... yet another error on the Bureau website now that the 5-year data is (almost) out: The sequence/table number Excel file for the 5-year release is truncated. It's missing some 8,000 rows. (The SAS and text versions are correct.) Here's a fixed version I made:
  • Aaaand... yet another error on the Bureau website now that the 5-year data is (almost) out: The sequence/table number Excel file for the 5-year release is truncated. It's missing some 8,000 rows. (The SAS and text versions are correct.) Here's a fixed version I made:
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