Census Bureau plans to stop production of 3-year ACS data

The Census Bureau is planning to discontinue the production of all 3-year ACS data, according to their 2015 budget justification document:

"The Census Bureau proposes to terminate permanently the “3-Year Data” Product. The Census Bureau intended to produce this data product for a few years when the ACS was a new survey. Now that the ACS has collected data for nearly a decade, this product can be discontinued without serious
impacts on the availability of the estimates for these communities."


There have also been some emails circulating that mention the 2015 ACS Data Users Conference has been canceled but I want to assure everyone that this is not the case!
  • We in transportation planning definitly need the 5 year data to get at smaller geography. Every year with this helps. The 3 year misses too many smaller areas, I only minimally used the 3 year. However, the data is still there, its just that the Census does not want to spend the money to summarize the 3 year data. We have all these private companies collecting data from cell phones all the time, but we can't pay to have the federal government summarize its own data. THis is part of that whole cutting of discretionary fudning, time to ask that extra money be found for this, and how much is the savings supposed to be? IF its under a Billion, I say time to fund it as part of the cost of data needed by many including the private sector.
  • We in transportation planning definitly need the 5 year data to get at smaller geography. Every year with this helps. The 3 year misses too many smaller areas, I only minimally used the 3 year. However, the data is still there, its just that the Census does not want to spend the money to summarize the 3 year data. We have all these private companies collecting data from cell phones all the time, but we can't pay to have the federal government summarize its own data. THis is part of that whole cutting of discretionary fudning, time to ask that extra money be found for this, and how much is the savings supposed to be? IF its under a Billion, I say time to fund it as part of the cost of data needed by many including the private sector.
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