MoE and unreliable

I hope everyone is healthy.

 ESRI has some estimates of when estimates are unstable in the ACS tables

 They use MoE to calculate coefficient of variation and have flags for low, med, high reliability. Looks like the formula you wrote below.

 Coefficient of variation (CV) = 100* [(ME/(1.645)] / estimate

and see


 Does the Census Bureau have something that says when the MoE indicates estimates are unstable?




  • Interesting discussion happy to see Andy refer to the frequentist vs Bayesian issue I read with great delight in The Signal and the Noise. Weighting is another issue you can't address this way, right? Couldn't weighting be happening in the background to adjust some of the sampling issues showing up in these MOEs? 

  • Interesting discussion happy to see Andy refer to the frequentist vs Bayesian issue I read with great delight in The Signal and the Noise. Weighting is another issue you can't address this way, right? Couldn't weighting be happening in the background to adjust some of the sampling issues showing up in these MOEs? 

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