Extracting demographic details in a single file from US census website

Hello Community,

I'm trying to create a file having US Census data from data.census.gov website. After going through the website, I have realized that there are separate tables for the demographic data that I'm looking for (The data to be retrieved is at a zip code level), such as, population, land area, number of houses, owned or rented property, mean income, etc. One way is to download separate files for each of these demographic variables, do a vlookup on the zip code and combine them, however, I'm trying to find a solution (if possible), to be able to pull to pull them together in a single file or from a single table. Could someone please let me know if such a solution exists?

Thank you!

  • Some other websites provide Census & ACS data in ways that make it easy to combine many tables in one file. The site I manage, IPUMS NHGIS, allows you to select any number of tables from a single dataset and download them in one file for all ZCTAs in the U.S.

    If you're looking for the latest 2021 5-year ACS, we're currently on track to release that tomorrow (Dec. 13) on NHGIS.

  • Some other websites provide Census & ACS data in ways that make it easy to combine many tables in one file. The site I manage, IPUMS NHGIS, allows you to select any number of tables from a single dataset and download them in one file for all ZCTAs in the U.S.

    If you're looking for the latest 2021 5-year ACS, we're currently on track to release that tomorrow (Dec. 13) on NHGIS.
