Find data from 200o to 2010, based on Tract- State- Year

Hi All, 

The problem is I cannot find the data from 2000 to 2010, the median household income data, etc. I have been trying to find the data for weeks, but nothing. I really need some help. Thank you all~

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  • To clarify, NHGIS time series with standardized geography include only "short-form" data from the decennial census, which doesn't include median household income. We generate these series from block-level data, which ensures greater reliability, but the Bureau doesn't release "long-form" data (like income) at the block level.

    For long-form data, we have "nominally integrated" time series that link across time only by name & code, without adjusting for boundary changes. That works pretty well with state and county data, where boundary changes are few, but yeah, with tracts, there are lots of boundary changes.

    We also provide geographic crosswalks you can use with long-form data (from the ACS or the 2000 long-form census) to standardize the geography yourself, but these crosswalks are designed for counts, not medians. In this IPUMS User Forum post, I discuss how you might use the crosswalks with medians.