5-Year as of 2019 Data


I was trying to pull up 5-YR Estimates as of 2019 and saw an Icon saying the data was unavailable.  I am new to ACS data and have been accessing the 2019 5-year estimates for the past year but not able to now.  Could someone provide me with a reason for the data being unavailable; does the 2021 5-YR estimates basically remove prior year 5-year ACS estimates?


  • Hi. 2019 estimates should be available. Is this at data.census.gov? What indicators are you looking at? Any specific geography? Perhaps you have a filter that doesn't include data from 2019. It might be helpful if you could provide a link and/or a screenshot.

    Also, this is a side point, but if 2019 is your year of interest, you might consider using the new 2021 data, which covering the period of 2017-2021, is centered around 2019.

  • Hi. 2019 estimates should be available. Is this at data.census.gov? What indicators are you looking at? Any specific geography? Perhaps you have a filter that doesn't include data from 2019. It might be helpful if you could provide a link and/or a screenshot.

    Also, this is a side point, but if 2019 is your year of interest, you might consider using the new 2021 data, which covering the period of 2017-2021, is centered around 2019.

  • Hi,

    Here is my screenshot of my filters which I have used previously and the message I am receiving.  I appreciate your help and suggestions.

  • Hmm. Try filtering 2019 without filtering the block groups. First, just see if that works with national data, just to establish the table is accessible for that year filter (it should be). Then, try adding the filter back for that county's block groups. Block groups changed from 2019 to 2020, so it's possible that if you chose those block groups before choosing the date, it defaulted to the 2020 vintage of block groups, for which data is not available for 2019 data. If you choose the year first before the geography, only geographies for which data exists should be available to select.