Time sensitive: Federal Register Notice re ACS content changes

ACS Data Users Group:

I wanted to be sure everyone has seen the Federal Register Notice (FRN) the Census Bureau published on March 10, with final proposals to modify ACS content. One proposal is to eliminate the ancestry question. So many data users have been sidetracked by preparing comments for the FRN on revisions to OMB Directive 15 (race & ethnicity data), most have overlooked this other Notice, which closes soon (30 day public comment period; someone do the math please!). But when I flagged it for a range of civil rights group and PAA members this past week, everyone was concerned.

Bottom line: most stakeholders believe the decision to eliminate that question is premature, especially because we do not know how/if the race/ethnicity standards will be revised. We also don't seem to have any research to support the decision. I think many respondents might not view "ancestry" the same way they view their race or ethnicity "subgroup" or national origin in those other questions. Further, every question on the ACS is based on a federal law mandate or requirement or the need for the data to carry out a federal court ruling, which is the case with the ancestry question (a hate crimes ruling). Has that need gone away? If not, will data from the race/ethnicity question(s) be sufficient to meet that need? Stakeholders do not think we know enough for the Bureau to move ahead with this proposal at this time.

If anyone uses ancestry data and/or shares these concerns, I strongly urge you to submit a comment letter, even if it is short and simply suggests that more research and public consultation is needed before the Bureau makes a decision. Here is a link to the FRN, which includes information on how to submit comments:


Thank you, everyone. And, my apologies if this information has been shared already with this LinkedIn group.

Terri Ann Lowenthal

Consultant (all things census!)