Question - Homeownership rates by county

Hi all - I am a student looking to find an ACS dataset that has the homeownership rate of each county in the United States. Does such data exist? And if so, where can I find it?


Parents Reply Children
  • Yes, B25003 is a good table to use, since it's only occupied housing units as the universe. Homeownership rates generally do not include vacant housing units in either the numerator or denominator. To calculate it: 

    owner-occupied housing units / total occupied housing units * 100

    if using table B25003, it would be B25003_002E / B25003_001E * 100

    Also, if you want it for each U.S. county, you will be interested in the 5-year estimates rather than the 1-year estimates, since the 1-year only has estimates for large counties.

  • Thank you Diana and David - this is exactly what I was looking for!

  • Also, as you can always go deeper (rent as a percent income etc. (B25031,25058,25070,25071, 25105) I believe all these also go to the county level. You also get an A for finding this group, it's a great resource.