cell suppression -6666666 code in tables downloaded using api

Dear Folks,

At some point I found a document that gives the meaning of table cell values like -66666666  or -5555555 etc. Does someone know where the documentation is ?  I'm using the API to download ACS tables.



  • I usually look at measures by county, I run all the counties and see what percent have data (not -666666 etc.)  If its less than 60 or 70% I have to see what other related measures are and what their percentage of valid numbers is. It would be great if they published all measures and what% each geo level has data.

  • I usually look at measures by county, I run all the counties and see what percent have data (not -666666 etc.)  If its less than 60 or 70% I have to see what other related measures are and what their percentage of valid numbers is. It would be great if they published all measures and what% each geo level has data.

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