Reading 2020 Census DHC data into R

For those of you working on today's release of DHC data from the 2020 Census, here's some R code that will combine the different segments of the DHC summary file and create one dataset with all the tables, with the columns named just like they are in the table matrix. (Apologies for the very long message; it doesn't look like there's a way to attach files, so you'll have to copy the text and paste it into RStudio or whatever you use.)
As released by the Census Bureau, the summary file is divided into 44 segments, each pipe-delimited, with no header rows for the column names or geographic information.
This code simplifies things: just download the ZIP file for a state, unzip it, tell R where to find it -- and everything else should happen automatically. (It doesn't do any error checking, though, so if it doesn't accommodate your situation, you're on your own. Slight smile)
If computer memory is a concern, you can also restrict the data to certain summary levels.
Happy data-diving!
EDIT: the discussion forum messed up a couple things after posting. You'll have to copy the web links from the formatted message and paste them into the code to avoid the ellipses. The forum also put an extra couple characters in line 38: the start of the line should read `download.file("`, followed by the full link you'll have to copy. Sorry for the inconvenience.

### SETUP ###

# download a state from

# put that ZIP file in this location:
census2020Dir <- "C:/data/dhc/"

# put the two-character state abbreviation here (for example, "mn" for Minnesota or "va" for Virginia)
st <- "mn"

# now unzip the contents of that ZIP file to some location specified below
# in this example, it would be "C:/data/dhc/mn2020.dhc/"
# and within that directory, there should be 45 data files: mngeo2020.dhc, mn000012020.dhc, mn000022020.dhc, ... mn000452020.dhc
census2020DirState <- paste0(census2020Dir, st, "2020.dhc/")

# depending on what state you're reading and your computing resources, memory can be an issue
# so put the summary level(s) you want here
# (reading in only certain summary levels keeps you from running into memory limitations)
# excluding census blocks (summary level 100) in particular sharply reduces the amount of memory this will use
# this example just keeps counties (050), county subdivisions (060), tracts (140), block groups (150), and places (160)
# if you want all summary levels regardless, just comment out the next line
sumlev <- c("050", "060", "140", "150", "160")

# The data files don't have header rows with the names of the columns, so those need to be derived from the table matrix documentation
# first, download that documentation
              destfile = paste0(census2020Dir, "2020-dhc-table-matrix.xlsx"),
              mode = "wb",
              quiet = TRUE)

# read in the table segment info
# if you have trouble with the auto-download, just paste that link in the address bar of your browser, and manually download the file to the location assigned to `census2020Dir`
segmentInfo <- read_xlsx(paste0(census2020Dir, "2020-dhc-table-matrix.xlsx"),
                      sheet = "DHC Table_Segments") %>%

# manipulate the info in that file to get the correct cell names
segmentInfoProcessed <- segmentInfo %>%
  uncount(weights = total_records, .id = "cellNum") %>%
  mutate(TABLE_PREFIX = str_extract(table_id, "[A-Z]+"),
         TABLE_NUM = str_extract(table_id, "[0-9]+"),
         TABLE_SUFFIX = str_extract(table_id, "[A-Z]+$"),
         CELL_NUM = case_when( ~ str_pad(cellNum, 4, pad = "0"),
                              str_sub(TABLE_PREFIX, 1, 1) == "P" & str_length(TABLE_SUFFIX) == 1 ~ str_pad(cellNum, 3, pad = "0"),
                              str_sub(TABLE_PREFIX, 1, 1) == "P" & str_length(TABLE_SUFFIX) == 2 ~ str_pad(cellNum, 2, pad = "0"),
                              str_sub(TABLE_PREFIX, 1, 1) == "H" ~ str_pad(cellNum, 4, pad = "0")),
         COLNAME = str_c(TABLE_PREFIX, str_pad(TABLE_NUM, 3, pad = "0"), coalesce(TABLE_SUFFIX, ""), CELL_NUM))

# split that data into a list, where each element is a vector of column names
columnNameList <- split(segmentInfoProcessed$COLNAME, segmentInfoProcessed$segment_number) %>%
  map(function(x) {
    paste(c("FILEID", "STUSAB", "CHARITER", "CIFSN", "LOGRECNO", x)) # this adds to each vector of column names the five initial column names that appear in each file (not specified in the table segment documentation)

# unfortunately, the geography names are not available in this documentation, so those need to be defined separately
               "AITS", "AITSFP", "AITSCC", "AITSNS", "TTRACT", "TBLKGRP", "ANRC", "ANRCCC", "ANRCNS", "CBSA", "MEMI", "CSA",
               "METDIV", "NECTA", "NMEMI", "CNECTA", "NECTADIV", "CBSAPCI", "NECTAPCI", "UA", "UATYPE", "UR", "CD116", "CD118",
               "CD119", "CD120", "CD121", "SLDU18", "SLDU22", "SLDU24", "SLDU26", "SLDU28", "SLDL18", "SLDL22", "SLDL24",
               "SLDL26", "SLDL28", "VTD", "VTDI", "ZCTA", "SDELM", "SDSEC", "SDUNI", "PUMA", "AREALAND", "AREAWATR", "BASENAME",
               "NAME", "FUNCSTAT", "GCUNI", "POP100", "HU100 ", "INTPTLAT", "INTPTLON", "LSADC", "PARTFLAG", "UGA")


# read the geography file
geo <- read_delim(paste0(census2020DirState, st, "geo2020.dhc"),
                  delim = "|",
                  col_names = namesGeog,
                  col_types = cols(.default = "c"))
# %>%
  # select(LOGRECNO, GEOID) # make things much quicker by keeping only the essential fields; others can be reconstructed later from GEOID

# if only some summary levels are wanted, eliminate the others
if (exists("sumlev")) {
  if (length(sumlev) > 0) {
    geo <- geo %>%
      filter(str_sub(GEOID, 1, 3) %in% sumlev)

# get list of the files that need to be read
dataFileNameList <- list.files(path = census2020DirState,
                               pattern = "mn[0-9]",
                               full.names = TRUE)

# define function to read one data segment
readSegment <- function(.data, .colNames) {

  # define the default type of each file
  # this is to save memory: can read data as integers unless it's segment 13, which contains median ages to one decimal point
  if (str_detect(.data, "000132020.dhc")) {
    defaultType <- "n" # segment 13 has median ages to one decimal point, so it can't be an integer
  } else {
    defaultType <- "i" # otherwise, reading as integers saves lots of space

             delim = "|",
             col_names = .colNames,
             col_types = cols(.default = defaultType,
                              FILEID = "c",
                              STUSAB = "c",
                              CHARITER = "c",
                              CIFSN = "c",
                              LOGRECNO = "c"),
             na = c("", ".")) %>%
    semi_join(geo, by = "LOGRECNO") %>% # limit to only those records in the geographic file
    select(-CHARITER, -CIFSN) # drop unnecessary fields

# iterate over the list of datasets to read them
dataList <- map2(dataFileNameList, columnNameList, readSegment)

# combine the list of data files into a single table with everything
dataTibble <- dataList %>%
  reduce(left_join, by = c("FILEID", "STUSAB", "LOGRECNO")) # join all the data files together

# finish up by joining with the geographic file
FINAL_DATA <- geo %>%
  left_join(dataTibble, by = c("FILEID", "STUSAB", "LOGRECNO"))

# from there, you can write the data to a CSV, or summarize it however you want