Interesting Visualization Of ACS Migration Data

While not GIS, I found this chart to be a very interesting visualization of migration data from the 2012 ACS and did not know where else to post the link:

If you mouse over the name of a state the graphic changes to display just flows in and out of that state. Only flows over 10,000 people are shown.

There is a short article in The Atlantic about this effort:

Perhaps this group could cover not just GIS but any visualization of ACS data.
  • I was at the ESRI UC and saw a presentation where the Census showed their Census Flows Mapper:

    This allows you to graphically look at migration patterns at the county level. I remember them talking about creating some API's and allowing developers to more easily use the data.

    In any case, the state to state visualization is very nice.
  • I was at the ESRI UC and saw a presentation where the Census showed their Census Flows Mapper:

    This allows you to graphically look at migration patterns at the county level. I remember them talking about creating some API's and allowing developers to more easily use the data.

    In any case, the state to state visualization is very nice.
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