I'm accessing Table B25120 for San Diego County census tract geographies using ACS 2021 5-year data.
It appears that a number of census tracts do not appear in the table although they do have valid housing units according to variable B25002. For example, census tract 06073005102 does not appear in the B25120 table although there are 2,721 HU reported in B25002.
Here are links to the census tables I'm accessing:
Can someone help me understand why these tracts are missing? Is there a better table to use for these data?
Make sure you hare handling the leading "0"s correctly the census tract is listed under 51.02 way down in the listing for tracts starting with "5" not "0" Let me know if I have done this correctly
Also I put 25120 in the search box and came up with a different URL
Hi Dave,
Thanks so much for your response. The link you sent appears to reference 2020 5 -year ACS data. I'm trying to find this estimate for 2021 5-year data. As I play with the interface, the table appears to default from 2021 5 year estimates to the 2020 5 year estimates when I select this tract, but does not do this for other tract selections. Are you able to recreate this as well?
Oddly, other 2021 5-year ACS estimates seem to display for this tract so I feel like its still a valid geography. I feel like I must be looking at something wrong. Any ideas?
Dear Kate,
As I go back to the link, I see that under the pull down (below the table title on the left) there is no selection for 2021 5 year data
B01003 (total population) does exist so it isn't because the tract went away for the 2020 census.
I sent an email to ACSO users support, maybe they can figure out why.
There were fires in San Diego county in 2021 -- maybe that was why. We will see what ACSO says.
https://www.fire.ca.gov/incidents/2021 search on San Diego