Deriving Data Profile and Subject Tables from Base Tables? Calculating MOE of metric from aggregated ACS variables?

Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this user group!

I am currently trying to calculate margin of error on a metric which is an aggregate of variables from ACS base tables, data profile tables, and subject tables. I am hoping to use the Variance Replicate Estimate (VRE) tables provided to calculate margin of error. However, VRE is only available for base tables. I was told that I can derive data profile tables from base tables. Where is the documentation for me to do that? Also, is it possible to derive subject tables from base tables? 

Alternatively, do you all have any guidance on how to calculate MOE on a variable that is an aggregate of several ACS variables? I was thinking of simulating the component ACS variables using their provided MOE 1000 times, aggregating to create 1000 versions of the aggregated metric, and then finding the MOE of those 1000 generated metrics. Would love insight in the integrity of this method or if there is a better method. 

Thank you so much!

  • Hi Phong, I was wondering if you ever got any assistance with this, as I have the same question? I am having a difficult time finding some of the source variables from the detailed variables for subject tables and can't find documentation anywhere either.

  • Hi Phong, I was wondering if you ever got any assistance with this, as I have the same question? I am having a difficult time finding some of the source variables from the detailed variables for subject tables and can't find documentation anywhere either.

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