Differences between tables S2702 and S2701

I am comparing the data from subject table S2701 and S2702 and I want to make sure I am correctly understanding the difference between the concepts here. 

Based on my understanding of the labels, table S2701 (SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE IN THE UNITED STATES) provides estimates for how many and what percentage of people in various subgroups have or don't have health insurance. 

  • For example: S2701_C05_003E (Estimate!!Percent Uninsured!!Civilian noninstitutionalized population!!AGE!!6 to 18 years) would be the percentage of people in the civilian noninstitutionalized population aged 6 to 18 who are uninsured

Whereas table S2702 (SELECTED CHARACTERISTICS OF THE UNINSURED IN THE UNITED STATES) provides estimates for what percentage of the uninsured population fall into particular subgroups 

  • For example: S2702_C02_004E (Estimate!!Total Uninsured!!Total civilian noninstitutionalized population!!AGE!!Under 19 years!!6 to 18 years) would be the percentage of the uninsured civilian noninstitutionalized population that is between the ages of 6 to 18 years old.

Is this the correct understanding of the different concepts in these two tables? I find the labels themselves to be a bit confusing because they are so similar, and I have not been able to find more detailed documentation of the interpretation of these tables. If anyone can point me towards the appropriate documentation or is familiar with these tables I would appreciate any insight!



  • I sounds like you are using a program like tidy census and the API to download data.  I usually find it helpful to look at the table with data.census.gov.  Often it is easier to understand how the table is constructed on data.census.gov.  Also often there is often additional text that appears with data.census.gov that is not in the "codebook" spreadsheet.
