PUMA 2012 to Metropolitan Statistical Area

Does anyone know if there is a geography correlation file from PUMAs to Metropolitan Statistical Area ?


  • You can use Geocorr to generate correspondence files for pretty much any pair of census geographies from the same time period, including PUMAs to metro areas (i.e. core-based statistical areas, which include both metropolitan and micropolitan areas).

    But in this case, I'd specifically recommend using the linking files available through IPUMS USA's MET2013 variable description here, as long as you're OK using 2013 metro area definitions. That page includes both crosswalks and "PUMA match summaries by MSA," which summarize how well each metro area matches up with its corresponding PUMAs. (We also plan to add a MET2023 variable to IPUMS USA in the next year or two, along with new correspondence files between new and old PUMA definitions.)

  • You can use Geocorr to generate correspondence files for pretty much any pair of census geographies from the same time period, including PUMAs to metro areas (i.e. core-based statistical areas, which include both metropolitan and micropolitan areas).

    But in this case, I'd specifically recommend using the linking files available through IPUMS USA's MET2013 variable description here, as long as you're OK using 2013 metro area definitions. That page includes both crosswalks and "PUMA match summaries by MSA," which summarize how well each metro area matches up with its corresponding PUMAs. (We also plan to add a MET2023 variable to IPUMS USA in the next year or two, along with new correspondence files between new and old PUMA definitions.)
