New Connecticut counties, er... regions

This regards those new Connecticut "county equivalents" or "planning regions."
My apologies if this issue has already been covered and I overlooked it.

Some users have helpfully pointed out how data for the new areas can be aggregated from lower-level geographies, such as county subdivisions.
Which is fine, if one has the data at those more detailed geo levels.

But what about the wealth of useful data published at the county levels (such as health indicators)?  How might we convert new data for the "county equivalents" back to the previous CT county structure so it can be used with pre-existing data for analysis, comparison, reporting, trends, etc.  We don't want to leave a big hole for the state of Connecticut until all agencies and companies switch over to the new counties in a year or two.
Or when we switch over to the new CT regions to include in our list of all US counties, how should we convert data for the earlier CT counties to its new CT equivalent geographies?

The only workable solution I can imagine to convert new CT counties to previous counties (and vice versa) is to create an allocation table which shows the percent of each existing CT county in the new regions/equivalents.  The value for allocation would be either area or population.

Anyone have a better idea?  Would this approach give "good enough" estimates of the new counties?

Bert Sperling

  • Bumping up this old thread- does anyone know if the 2018-2022 5 year estimates scheduled to come out next month will use the new 9 "regions/counties" or the old 8 counties?   Sorry if I missed this elsewhere, just trying to plan if I have to do these extra painful steps to get complete US or not with the most current data.

  • Bumping up this old thread- does anyone know if the 2018-2022 5 year estimates scheduled to come out next month will use the new 9 "regions/counties" or the old 8 counties?   Sorry if I missed this elsewhere, just trying to plan if I have to do these extra painful steps to get complete US or not with the most current data.

  • The 2022 5-year estimates will use the new regions/counties. 

    FWIW, it took a little digging to find documentation that confirmed this. Ordinarily, I'd check this page ("Geography Boundaries by Year"), which is designed to provide answers to almost all questions about which geographic vintage is used in each ACS data release. But it tells me only that the counties used in 2022 1-year & 2018-2022 5-year ACS data are those in effect as of January 1, 2022, and it doesn't say which version of Connecticut counties were in effect on that date. Ordinarily, I'd check this page ("Substantial Changes to Counties and County Equivalent Entities: 1970-Present") to determine when county definition changes occurred, but for the Connecticut changes, the effective date is not listed on the page. There is, however, a link there to this document, which explains:

    The Census Bureau completed the geographic updates in the spring of 2022.  The Census Bureau will release geospatial products in late summer of 2022. Data users can expect to see Population Estimates and American Community Survey Data in late 2023.

    I also confirmed that uses the new county equivalents in 2022 1-year data.

  • Thanks!  I did a little searching and found this bit here: "ACS 5-year Comparison Profiles for Connecticut county-equivalent geographies will not be available until the 2027 ACS release at which time both non-overlapping periods (2018-2022 v 2023-2027) will finally be based on the new county-equivalent geographies".  So to me this sounds like they will keep the old counties until 2027, but I am still a little unclear.

  • Thanks for the information, Jonathan. Looks like we have some challenges to deal with until the dust settles and everyone gets on the same page, in a couple of years or so.  Slight frown
    And thanks for the question, Ali15.