Adult correctional facilities estimates

Does anyone know how the "adult correctional facilities" in the Group Quarters (table S2602) Populations are gathered? Are inmates themselves responding? Are correctional facilities giving estimates to the ACS on behalf of inmates?

Specifically, I am wondering about the estimates for percentage of those in adult correctional facilities who are currently enrolled in school.

No Data
  • The data for the "adult correctional facilities" population in the Group Quarters (table S2602) of the American Community Survey (ACS) is typically collected through administrative records and not through direct responses from inmates themselves. Inmates generally do not complete ACS surveys themselves; instead, correctional facility authorities provide the relevant data to the Census Bureau. This data includes information about the number of individuals in the facility and basic demographic characteristics. However, it's important to note that detailed statistics, such as the percentage of those in adult correctional facilities currently enrolled in school, might not be readily available from the ACS alone. More specific educational data about inmates may require additional surveys or data sources collected by correctional facilities or educational institutions.

No Data