Low and moderate income counts by masa or md

Looking for counts of low income and middle income households by market.  Low is less than 50% ami and moderate is 50-75%.  AMI being area median income

I know about tract income based on geography. Thus would be based on income regardless of where someone lives.  I can be rich and live in a low income census tract for example.  

Thanks for any thoughts.  

  • About 8 weeks back... US HUD released updated CHAS data based on 2016-2020 ACS 5-year surveys. This is your best bet for obtaining socioec data of households by "percent of AMI" level -- and also comparable housing stock by "percent of AMI" level. www.huduser.gov/.../cp.html

    If you wanted something different? more bespoke than the HUD CHAS tables... certainly you could build your own tabulations with PUMS (or IPUMS) -- but you then lose the tract-level detail, and have to work with more highly-summarized geographies (PUMAs, groups of counties, whole states).

    good luck.

  • About 8 weeks back... US HUD released updated CHAS data based on 2016-2020 ACS 5-year surveys. This is your best bet for obtaining socioec data of households by "percent of AMI" level -- and also comparable housing stock by "percent of AMI" level. www.huduser.gov/.../cp.html

    If you wanted something different? more bespoke than the HUD CHAS tables... certainly you could build your own tabulations with PUMS (or IPUMS) -- but you then lose the tract-level detail, and have to work with more highly-summarized geographies (PUMAs, groups of counties, whole states).

    good luck.

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