Relating ACS Variables to SN Number

Hi everyone,
My name is Elle and I am a high school student relatively new to R. I am using ACS data for the first time to conduct a research project relating the gut microbiome health of Native Hawaiian individuals to specific spatial information and ACS data variables. 
Currently, I am starting out small and trying to link the ACS variable "median household income" by census tract to specific SN numbers. However, I am struggling a bit with the data formats. 
I have tried to accomplish this by linking PUMS data on a person level to SN number as well as just by using "get_acs" from an API Key. I have attached the R files for both attempts as well as the SN numbers with lat-lng values. 
Would anyone be willing to reach out to join me on a quick zoom meeting to provide a little bit of advice on how to work with this data? Or if this is not possible, would you be able to provide any pointers on how I might get my code to work better?
Do you have any advice on how to identify which variables I should use?
Thank you.
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