ACS estimates of "grandparents responsible for grandchildren" (S1002)

Hello! I'm reviewing the 2022 5-year ACS estimates for New Mexico, in particular table S1002 ("Grandparents"). Regarding the percentage indicator "Grandparents responsible for grandchildren" - please, what is the DENOMINATOR for this percentage? Thank you!

  • This is 2022 with all the fields I pull from B10010,B10059,B10063. Its for all states, but you should be able to calc % grandparents responsible. I can give you breakout of the fields if you need it. You could also pull the tables directly and match the numbers to map field names. Again, hopefully I can run my numbers tomorrow and give you a better breakout.

  • This is 2022 with all the fields I pull from B10010,B10059,B10063. Its for all states, but you should be able to calc % grandparents responsible. I can give you breakout of the fields if you need it. You could also pull the tables directly and match the numbers to map field names. Again, hopefully I can run my numbers tomorrow and give you a better breakout.

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