I am trying to pull in county subdivision data for DP04 year 2010 - https://api.census.gov/data/2010/acs/acs5/profile?get=GEO_ID,NAME,DP04_0081E&for=county%20subdivision:*&in=state:55&key=-
however, it returns an error: unknown/unsupported geography hierarchy
all other years work, Does anyone know why I can't pull in 2010?
That API string wasn't available in 2010, I believe it was added starting with 2011 ACS data:
2010: https://api.census.gov/data/2010/acs/acs5/profile/examples.html
2011: https://api.census.gov/data/2011/acs/acs5/profile/examples.html
For 2010, you'll need to add "%20county:" + your county at the end of the API string, such as listed in the above link of examples for 2010. Here's an example, using your provided API URL: https://api.census.gov/data/2010/acs/acs5/profile?get=GEO_ID,NAME,DP04_0081E&for=county%20subdivision:*&in=state:55%20county:029
Hope this helps!
Caleb!!! thank you so much! This was so helpful I really, really appreciate it you saved me so much time. I am so grateful
Glad I could help!