We have noticed there are quite a few -666666666 values in the 2018-2022 5-year ACS estimates. These are for variables that have always had values previously. For example, B19067_001 (cash public assistance income). Out of the 31,895 CDPs we are interested in 11,455 (36%) of them have a -666666666 value. Similarity, county subdivisions are at 32%, Indigenous areas are at 34%, and tracts are at 17%. We have also noticed fairly large amount of suppressed data for B19066_001 (total supplemental security income), B25064_001 (median gross rent), B25088_002 (median monthly mortgage cost), as well as others. I'm curious as to why we are just now seeing large numbers of suppressed data. I realize -666666666 means the following...
I'm uncertain as to what changed with the 2022 5-year release that caused the -666666666 values to be published in place of estimates (all of these variables have had actual estimates in previous years). I have read through the Data Suppression information on the CB webpage, but this hasn't been updated since 2016 and doesn't provide any information on the recent change. If anyone knows what might be going on here, we would greatly appreciate any guidance or resources you might be able to provide.
Hi, I have sent your question to the subject matter experts. They are looking into this for you. I will let you know their response when I hear back. Vicki
Thank you Vicki Mack! We really appreciate it.
Hi Preston, I received a reply from the subject matter experts. They wrote: "