Trying to get detailed language data at the city level

I'm trying to get detailed data on languages spoken at home to do an LEP study. I'm able to get the data by PUMA; however, my city is lumped in with two other cities, with no way to segregate them.

Is there some other way to do this? We're on the hook for non-English language support but can't get granular-enough data to figure out which languages we have to service. Thanks in advance.

  • Hi, 

    ACS Table B16002 provides detailed language data at the household level. 

    Data is available for municipalities and Census Tracts.  You may need to isolate the tracts in your city and then aggregate them.  The ACS handbooks provide examples of the aggregation.  However, if your city is defined as a census place, you may not need to rely on the tract data.

    See the spreadsheets for ACS 2018-2022 posted here:

    for an example of the municipality-level data.  (This was generated using tidycensus and openxlsx)



  • Hi, 

    ACS Table B16002 provides detailed language data at the household level. 

    Data is available for municipalities and Census Tracts.  You may need to isolate the tracts in your city and then aggregate them.  The ACS handbooks provide examples of the aggregation.  However, if your city is defined as a census place, you may not need to rely on the tract data.

    See the spreadsheets for ACS 2018-2022 posted here:

    for an example of the municipality-level data.  (This was generated using tidycensus and openxlsx)


