Census AFF Webinars for GIS

Here are two webinars I will be conducting out of the New York Office. If the links don't work for this either copy and paste from below, or feel free to email me (david.j.kraiker@census.gov):

MAP TAB LAB Tuesday, January 12, 2016
2:00 pm | Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) | 1 hr 30 mins

This webinar will explore the little-used Map Tab functionality within the
Census Bureau's American Factfinder portal. This is a hand tool for those
who like to select areas visually, need to download shapefiles on the fly or who work in GIS.


After your request has been approved, you'll receive instructions for joining the meeting.


MAP TAB LAB Thursday, January 14, 2016 10:00 am | Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) | 1 hr 30 mins

This webinar will explore the little-used Map Tab functionality within the
Census Bureau's American Factfinder portal. This is a hand tool for those
who like to select areas visually, need to download shapefiles on the fly or who work in GIS.

census.webex.com/.../default.do After your request has been approved, you'll receive instructions for joining the meeting.