Hi -
I was comparing data from the ACS (https://data.census.gov/table/ACSST5Y2022.S1401?g=160XX00US2511000) and the MA Dept of Elementary and Secondary Education (https://profiles.doe.mass.edu/statereport/schoolattendingchildren.aspx) on school enrollment for Cambridge MA. The ACS numbers are consistently higher (well beyond the ACS MOE) than the state's numbers, though I believe I am looking at the same set (K-12, regardless of school type). Have others found this to be the case in other places? What could be the explanation?
The ACS measures K-12 students in households rather than enrollment in schools, so I wonder if the higher enrollment estimates for the ACS reflects students living in Cambridge, MA who are enrolled in school outside of the city--through a school choice or similar program.
Hi Mark -
Thanks for the reply! That is a reasonable suggestion, but the School Attending Children reports include all schools, including regional, out of district, in-state and out-of-state private schools. As far as I can tell the two sources should be covering the same populations.