Are income values in the ACS PUMS 5-Year data adjusted for inflation?
The PUMS 5-year data file contains an inflation adjustment variable (ADJHSG and ADJINC). Can someone confirm whether these values have been applied to the income variables (HINCP and FINCP) in the raw data?
Sorry for the basic question.
I think that you just multiply ADJINC * FINCP to get constant dollars. As for which base year you come out with I'm not sure.
You might look in the 5-year PUMS codebook to get an idea of how this is done.
From the data dictionary it looks you just need to multiply by ADJINC. ADJINC varies based on which year the PUMS record came from (I think)
ADJINCCharacter7Adjustment factor for income and earnings dollar amounts (6 implieddecimal places)1184371 .2018 factor (1.013097 *1.16905988)1159866 .2019 factor (1.010145 *1.14821714)1140108 .2020 factor (1.006149 *1.13314076)1113261 .2021 factor (1.029928 *1.08091182)1042311 .2022 factor (1.042311 *1.00000000)
FINCP Numeric8Family income (past 12 months, use ADJINC to adjust FINCP to constantdollars)bbbbbbbb.N/A (GQ/vacant)0.No family income-59999.Loss of $59,999 or more-59998..-1.Loss of $1 to $59,9981..99999999.Total family income in dollars (Components