Annual DP Tables: Column Name - Label Changes

I'm working on analyzing tables DP02, DP03, DP04, and DP05 from 2007 to 2022 and am searching for a comprehensive legend that tracks changes in variable codes over time.

For instance, the field “Estimate!!ANCESTRY!!Total population!!Greek” uses the code “DP02_0134E” from 2019 through 2022 but was assigned “DP02_0133E” in 2018. Additionally, there are cases where field names change slightly across years.

I’ve begun creating this legend for all DP tables myself, but it’s a very time-intensive process. If anyone has already developed a legend like this or knows of an existing resource, I’d greatly appreciate any insights!

Label                                               2022 2021 2020 2019
Geographic Area Name NAME NAME NAME NAME

Estimate!!HOUSEHOLDS BY TYPE!!Total households

DP02_0001E DP02_0001E DP02_0001E DP02_0001E
Margin of Error!!HOUSEHOLDS BY TYPE!!Total households DP02_0001M DP02_0001M DP02_0001M DP02_0001M
Estimate!!HOUSEHOLDS BY TYPE!!Total households!!Married-couple household DP02_0002E DP02_0002E DP02_0002E DP02_0002E
Margin of Error!!HOUSEHOLDS BY TYPE!!Total households!!Married-couple household DP02_0002M DP02_0002M DP02_0002M DP02_0002M