Decile cutpoints - inclusive or not?

I am using SPSS to analyze data by income decile across multiple years. Using SPSS, I get decile cut points. (For example, 10th percentile = $12,000)
When analyzing data within what I call "Decile 1," is there an accepted practice around including the 10th percentile value ($0 - $12,000) or not including it ($0-$11,999)?
  • Hi Jennifer - I think it depends on whether SPSS provides the value as the top of that decile, or bottom of the next one. (It's been a few years since I worked with SPSS, so I don't recall from memory.)

    On the other hand, it's worth noting that Census reports (e.g. data tables on FactFinder) tend to use the "99" value as the top of a range. Poverty brackets are reported as "less than 100% of poverty," "100-199," etc...

    I hope that's helpful!
  • Hi Jennifer - I think it depends on whether SPSS provides the value as the top of that decile, or bottom of the next one. (It's been a few years since I worked with SPSS, so I don't recall from memory.)

    On the other hand, it's worth noting that Census reports (e.g. data tables on FactFinder) tend to use the "99" value as the top of a range. Poverty brackets are reported as "less than 100% of poverty," "100-199," etc...

    I hope that's helpful!
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