I downloaded a couple of detailed tables (B01001, B01002) and noticed there are 40 block groups missing in NY when compared with 2022 5-year estimates
Do you know why these are missing?
My guess is that the estimates errors were high thus the estimates are not included
here are some of the missing BG IDs: '361031224063', '361031456011', '361031456052', '361032012001', etc.
These are the boundaries of a missing BG:
I can clearly see households in the area
Hello. I believe the data you're not finding are related to two data suppression issues in New York. More information and a list of affected geographies are available at https://www.census.gov/programs…
Hello. I believe the data you're not finding are related to two data suppression issues in New York. More information and a list of affected geographies are available at https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/technical-documentation/errata.html (erratas 147 and 148).
This makes sense