I took a crack at ACS-5 reports, I love county rankings. I am sure there are some rough edges, but I think its a good way to see the overall picture on many key measures. I have done little review (so far) and would of course like to add some maps. Please note I know that using last year (which is 2018-2022) is really not stat valid (but many major websites and reports do it. I burned through all my holiday time (didnt neglect my granddaughter ). So I don't know how much bandwidth for changes \ updates I have. I used short names so they would fit and not all of them I like, but they are there. I made sure to include tables names for reference. Any and all feedback is welcome, but again not Phd or on the level of people in this forum, so deep or heavy stat feedback is OK, but will likely go over my head.https://public.tableau.com/views/ACS-5/Menu?:language=en-US&publish=yes&:sid=&:redirect=auth&:display_count=n&:origin=viz_share_link