Geographic components list

Can anyone point me to a recent list of geographic component codes? I can't seem to locate one anywhere on the Bureau's website, FTP, or docs.

I have one from about 2010 but would like to update it if possible.

It looks possible to extract it from the geos file (e.g. Geos20235YR.txt).

ACSSF|US|010|00|1||||||||||||||||||||||.|.|||||||||||||0100000US|United States|||
ACSSF|US|010|89|1||||||||||||||||||||||.|.|||||||||||||0100089US|United States -- American Indian Reservation and Trust Land -- Federal|||
ACSSF|US|010|90|1||||||||||||||||||||||.|.|||||||||||||0100090US|United States -- American Indian Reservation and Trust Land -- State|||
ACSSF|US|010|91|1||||||||||||||||||||||.|.|||||||||||||0100091US|United States -- Oklahoma Tribal Statistical Area|||
ACSSF|US|010|92|1||||||||||||||||||||||.|.|||||||||||||0100092US|United States -- Tribal Designated Statistical Area|||
ACSSF|US|010|93|1||||||||||||||||||||||.|.|||||||||||||0100093US|United States -- Alaska Native Village Statistical Area|||
ACSSF|US|010|94|1||||||||||||||||||||||.|.|||||||||||||0100094US|United States -- State Designated Tribal Statistical Area|||

So 89 = American Indian Reservation and Trust Land -- Federal and so on, but I'm hoping someone knows of a complete list I can slurp.

  • This used to appear in ACS Summary File Appendices, but those are no longer produced with the new Table-Based Summary Files. Instead, the same info is now available through what's called the "Table List" on this page or in this FTP directory, or alternatively called the "Data Product List" in the filenames. Unhelpfully, neither of those names, nor the description of the file on the website, gives an indication that this file also contains a list of summary levels and geographic components. Additionally, the geographic components are listed (as in the example you shared) only concatenated with summary level names--rather than in a separate column--in the "Published Summary Levels" sheets. In short, the availability of this info is not well documented, and the info is not organized in the most accessible form (for automated processing), but at least it exists!

  • Thanks Jonathan! This works.

  • It's interesting that I am currently running a script that gives me all the State, County, Tracts because it seems like the best way of just getting the data. It's been over an hour (I did add a small delay and have my API key). Once I have the data, that's my list to load my selection choices for my web selection and I wont need to do it for another year. Yes, better files and descriptions on the census websites would be good.