statistical methods for comparing of 2 1-year surveys

We would like to compare a percent from a 2013 single year dataset with the same percent from the 2014 single year data set.  Can we use statistical methods that require independent samples like a chi - square test?  Although different people may have been surveyed in the two years, I don't believe one year is independent of the next year because the samples represent the same population.  



Thank you in advance for your help or thoughts.     

  • Couple of comments:
    1. having the samples from the same population doesn't necessarily mean the samples are not independent. The sample size is small compared to the population, so they could be entirely different people.

    2.The design and method of the ACS is here One page of doc (chapter 4, page 4) says "One of the ACS design requirements is that no HU address be in sample more than once in any five-year period." So looks like 2013 and 2014 are independent samples.
  • Couple of comments:
    1. having the samples from the same population doesn't necessarily mean the samples are not independent. The sample size is small compared to the population, so they could be entirely different people.

    2.The design and method of the ACS is here One page of doc (chapter 4, page 4) says "One of the ACS design requirements is that no HU address be in sample more than once in any five-year period." So looks like 2013 and 2014 are independent samples.