using replicate weights in stata

I am using the 5-years estimates (2010-2014) and I am attempting to make PUMA level estimates for American Indians and Alaska Natives who use Indian Health Services (a combination of the race and health insurance variable), and I am using the replicate weights in STATA. I would like to create estimates of education (5 categories). However, I am receiving a an error message.

Here are the stata commands:

svyset[pweight=perwt], vce(brr) brrweight(repwt1-repwt80) fay(.5)mse

gen ihs_aian=(racamind==2 & hinsihs == 2)


set matsize 11000

svy, subpop(ihs_aian): prop education, over(stpuma)


Error message:

too many categories

an error occurred when brr executed proportion



I have not received this message when I use p weights and only with replicate weights. I would appreciate it if you would be able to offer any suggestions.