Area Median Income Data

On another thread I posted here, someone sent this link to me which provided excellent data on breakdowns of 30%, 50%, and 80% of area median income from the county to national level.

My organization would love to have data of this on a single year measure, however this data only comes in 4 year measurements. Does anyone know of a data set which will have this kind of information for 1 year estimates? Thanks!

  • Alex

    The CHAS data is s special tabulation of ACS data done for HUD. I do not think that CHAS data exists for single years, only for period of 3 or 5 years. At present it is only offered for using five year data. Since different area median incomes apply through out the country it would be very time consuming to construct a version from the one year PUMS data set. This could be done but but it would be very difficult. You can learn more about the CHAS data here:

    Cliff Cook
    City of Cambridge, MA
  • Alex

    The CHAS data is s special tabulation of ACS data done for HUD. I do not think that CHAS data exists for single years, only for period of 3 or 5 years. At present it is only offered for using five year data. Since different area median incomes apply through out the country it would be very time consuming to construct a version from the one year PUMS data set. This could be done but but it would be very difficult. You can learn more about the CHAS data here:

    Cliff Cook
    City of Cambridge, MA
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