MIssing states in the ACS1 year summary


I am using the ACS API to pull specific data points at the place level. However it seems there is no data available for vermont (fips 50), west virgina(fips 54), wyoming(fips 56)


here is an example query



I receive a 204 no content HTTP status. I receieve this for the 2014, and 2015 end points as well.

I do see that the data is available as a csv download from the FTP site.

I was hoping that someone could provide some insight as to why this is happening, and if its possible to contact someone to have it corrected, or if is better for me to parse out the csv.



  • That is correct. There are no places within any of these 3 states that meet the 65,000 population threshold for publication. Below is a link below that shows the published geographies for all "53 states" (DC, US and PR is how we get 53 instead of 50) each state has its own excel worksheet. Place level is 160 and you can see none of the 3 mentioned states VT, WV and WY published any Places.
