Table 19113 - Median Family Income - not at BG

I just noticed that table 19113, "MEDIAN FAMILY INCOME IN THE PAST 12 MONTHS (IN 2015 INFLATION-ADJUSTED DOLLARS)", is no longer available at the block group level. It was for the 2010-2014 data. I didn't see anything in the documentation about this. Anyone know anything about this change?

  • Due the new median MOE methodology and other data quality issues, B19113 is not available for block groups for this 5-year release. We are hoping that the data quality issues will be addressed for next year, but the change in median MOE methodology will continue to be a possible factor in addressing any missing data. Information about the new methodology is located here:

    KaNin Reese
    US Census Bureau
  • Due the new median MOE methodology and other data quality issues, B19113 is not available for block groups for this 5-year release. We are hoping that the data quality issues will be addressed for next year, but the change in median MOE methodology will continue to be a possible factor in addressing any missing data. Information about the new methodology is located here:

    KaNin Reese
    US Census Bureau
No Data