Use PUMS data for PUMAS belonging only in one county

Hello! I try to use PUMS 5yr 2008-2012 data and I face a strange fact that when I sum the weights (variable PWGTP in the dataset) for the PUMAS that belong to a specific County, I do not take as a result the known total population in this county (compared to the population from ACS 2008-2012 estimates)...
Could anyone advise me if I use the given weights properly? The PUMS data are for PUMAS in one whole state and I try to extract only the PUMAS in the county that I need. Is it possible or there is problem because the PUMS data are defined at a state level?
  • Thank you so much both of you!!!
    Beth, now I realized what exactly you meant with the different PUMA numbers!The proposed website is perfect!
    Tom the change is now totally clear and I try to see how I can use the information that correspond to the PUMA00 and PUMA10 under interest...
    If the variables are the same in 5-year and 1-year PUMS I could use the 2012yr data to do the trials that I want. I just selected this 5-hr data because I needed to compare their use with the use of aggregated 2008-2012 5-yr ACS estimates for census tracts. The purpose is to conclude if I need individual-based data to assess human vulnerability in my study.
    Thank you a lot!
  • Thank you so much both of you!!!
    Beth, now I realized what exactly you meant with the different PUMA numbers!The proposed website is perfect!
    Tom the change is now totally clear and I try to see how I can use the information that correspond to the PUMA00 and PUMA10 under interest...
    If the variables are the same in 5-year and 1-year PUMS I could use the 2012yr data to do the trials that I want. I just selected this 5-hr data because I needed to compare their use with the use of aggregated 2008-2012 5-yr ACS estimates for census tracts. The purpose is to conclude if I need individual-based data to assess human vulnerability in my study.
    Thank you a lot!
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