ACS Status Dropout Rates

I am trying to obtain ACS status dropout rates by county as defined by the National Center for Education Statistics - 


The percentage of all 16- to 24-year-olds who are not enrolled in school and do not have a high school credential.

My problem is that I cannot identify an appropriate table from American FactFinder that will give me this age range.  Table B14005 is SEX BY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT BY EMPLOYMENT STATUS FOR THE POPULATION 16 TO 19 YEARS.  The educational attainment tables include 18-24, but no information on school enrollment.  Does anyone have an idea where I might look?

Thank you!

  • Keriann,
    As far as I know, this particular table is not available through published tables in American FactFinder. But you could create this variable using the ACS Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) data. The Census Bureau provides the PUMS data for download ( or you could use the IPUMS data at the Minnesota Population Center (

    The PUMS data would not provide the same level of geographic detail, however, as the published FactFinder tables.

  • Keriann,
    As far as I know, this particular table is not available through published tables in American FactFinder. But you could create this variable using the ACS Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) data. The Census Bureau provides the PUMS data for download ( or you could use the IPUMS data at the Minnesota Population Center (

    The PUMS data would not provide the same level of geographic detail, however, as the published FactFinder tables.

  • This is a classic example of where user input to the design of ACS tables is important. If there's a more widespread need for this statistic, particularly if it's important to meet a funding need, the appropriate tabulation should be added to the list of detailed tables.